Advanced Charactor Animation
24hrs to take your animation performance to the PRO level
The Animation Special Effects Association plans the first round of the "Animator Advanced Course", and invited the founder of Gogo Animation, Erik, who is an important promoter of the cute and playful pug dog's original animation [George]. Erik specializes in animation character performance. This course He will impart his life-long skills and rich practical experience, and lead the students to study animation performance in depth. Through solid homework drills, students will be able to transform the most fascinating essence of animation performance into animation strength that cannot be replaced by others.
Course Info
✦ Class Date: 2022/08/13-2022/09/24 Every Saturday 13:00-17:00
✦ Class hours: 24 hrs
✦ Class location: Animation Creator Base (No. 177, Section 1, Jianguo South Road, Daan District, Taipei City)MAP
✦ Suitable for: Students of the Association Character Animation Training Course, Maya animators with 1~3 years of experience,On-the-job training for animators.
✦ Course fee: priced at 4,400 yuan, early bird 2,200 yuan two weeks before the start of the course
▸▸ Association members can enjoy free class discounts(Deposit of RMB 2,200 is required, and will be refunded if the attendance rate reaches 90%)
Animation Facial
此階段課程有 4 週時間,學習 Maya 的基礎知識、介面操作與關於 Maya 中動畫所使用工具、基礎材質及使用基礎燈光和渲染場景,學員將擁有課程中所需要的軟體基礎技能。
主要透過實作與分析,理解動畫基礎知識,在作業中,學員可以了解:時間、弧線、間距、緩入和緩出、重量、重力、阻力、次要動作、重疊、 跟隨,擠壓和伸展,誇張的動畫 12 法則原理與知識,這些技能與知識將成為以後在動畫學習中的根基。課程最後將會指導完成本階段個人作品集影片。
1. MAYA 基礎介面介紹
2. MAYA Project 檔案管理、Create Project and Set Project
3. 3D 空間:World Space、Local Space、Object Space的差別
4. Rotate Order 解說
5. Graph Editor 介紹與運用
6. Dope Sheet 介紹與運用
7. Render View 基礎介紹與運用
8. Hyper shade / 基本材質介紹與運用
9. 基礎燈光介紹與運用
Animation 角色表演法則原理
1. 3D 動畫製作流程介紹
2. 動畫 12 + 2 法則介紹與運用
3. Basic Ball Bounce / 基礎球彈跳(擠壓與伸展 Squash and stretch、漸快與漸慢 Slow in and slow out)
4. Ball amusement park / 球的遊樂園(擠壓與伸展 Squash and stretch、漸快與漸慢 Slow in and slow out)
5. 揮拳(連貫動作 Straight ahead action、預備動作Anticipation、重疊動作 Overlapping action)
6. 草飄(跟隨動作 Follow through)
7. 向旁邊跨步(Wight 重心轉移)
8. Pose 練習(誇張 Exaggeration、吸引力 Appeal)
9. 製作 Demo Reel