From VTuber character design, seiyuu, MoCap motion capture, scripting, to virtual studio implementation, 4 "We Media Required Courses" that enterprises must learn, using existing IP or tailor-made planning from scratch, teach you to create a company or The best virtual celebrity spokesperson for personal brand, catch up with the latest and most eye-catching trend, use VTuber to move people's hearts and tell a good brand story for you, come and deploy VTuber spokespersons ahead of time through practical workshops, In place once!
▶ Event dates: 2022/10/18, 10/22, 10/25, 10/29 09:30-16:30 (24 hours in total)
▶ Venue: Animator Creation Base (No. 177, Section 1, Jianguo South Road, Daan District, Taipei City),Virtual influencer base(4F, Complex Building, No. 40, Section 3, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City)
▶ Event fee: RMB 4,200, limited to 12 people.
▶ Note: Each company that is a member of the Animation Special Effects Association can enjoy 1 "free" participation, and must pay a cash deposit of 4,200 yuan in cash, and must attend the whole process. After the event, it will be refunded without interest.

Directed by

講者介紹 Speaker

滷沙沙動畫有限公司總經理。IP 角色授權及文本開發經驗豐富,擅長整合不同產業,如圖書出版、角色授權等。眾所熟知的「米滷蛋」為其公司旗下知名 IP 之一,於圖書出版及角色授權經營耕耘十多年,公司設有國際圖文版權授權部門,致力於開發漫畫文本進入不同領域或不同國家,目前已取得超過 50 套可談國際或跨界授權不同的漫畫文本,與 8 組以上角色 IP 持續開發中。近幾年規劃 IP 產業鏈,從拓展國際市場重要的關鍵著手,積極從出版找出適當動畫文本、授權多角經營、企業合作與動畫化、音樂化、遊戲化、舞台化等等不同文化產業鏈結,努力形成多樣貌的健全 IP 生態圈。
Events Agenda
Day 1
10/18 (Tue) 09:30-16:30
Animation Creator Base
Creation and application of virtual characters
Day 1
10/18 (Tue) 09:30-16:30
Animation Creator Base
Creation and application of virtual characters
Day 1
10/18 (Tue) 09:30-16:30
Animation Creator Base
Creation and application of virtual characters
Day 1
10/18 (Tue) 09:30-16:30
Animation Creator Base
Creation and application of virtual characters
授權過程所應具備的財務基本概念-從實務案例中避免錯誤 3hr
講者:周逸濱 律師
講者:黃秋華 會計師
Day 1
10/18 (Tue) 09:30-16:30
Animation Creator Base
Creation and application of virtual characters
Day 1
10/18 (Tue) 09:30-16:30
Animation Creator Base
Creation and application of virtual characters