AVA Seven Purposes
Enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan's animation and special effects industry.
The animation and special effects industry is an important cultural industry in the aspects of capital-intensive, technology-intensive, knowledge-intensive and labor-intensive. And It features of the board consumer groups, huge volume market demand, high additional values and highly internationalization.
One-third of the world’s animation was produced by Taiwanese animators, such as " Mazinger Z ", " Science Ninja Team Gatchaman ", "Mulan" and other masterpieces twenty years ago. However, many animation and special effects studios has moved abroad in recent years. And it’s been a bumpy and rocky road of original creation animation in Taiwan due to the lack of fostering policy from our government.
Therefore, the AVA purpose based on revitalizing the competitiveness of the industry, enhancing the technical skills of animation and special effects, developing and creating our original stories to make the Taiwan animation shine again.
talents breeding for Taiwan animation & special effects industry
Taiwan animation industry started from the introduction of animation production skills by " Kuangchi Program Service”, and then the Japanese "film company" trained a group of animation talents, and produced the well-known " The Legend of Deification”, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and other masterpieces. . The quality of animation production has also attracted the attention from American studios. The animation studio "Hanna-Barbera Productions" had guided the production team in Taiwan which made The Wang Film studio and the early animation professionals successfully.
However, the computer technology has being elevated up-to-days after 2000. Animation and special effects digitalization have gradually replaced the traditional production way. The whole business has faced some serious technical gaps. The purpose of teaching our young generation the professional attitude and aesthetic persistence of Taiwan animation industry, also introduce the latest abord digital graphics technology, AVA hope the business shall be raised from breeding our new generation.
A resource sharing platform for AVA members setting
This is one of the goals of the AVA (Taiwan), that is to integrate domestic and international industrial resources and technical guidance, so that all members of the association can get the latest information and technology, as well as government subsidies, corporate investment, and other related information. AVA would like to set the effective communication and resource platform sharing among the AVA members. AVA (Taiwan) as a strong back up for our members, it makes a big family with all our strength helping in the global market.
Pass on Taiwan animation & special effects industry experience, and stepping toward the international market
In 1961, Father Bu Lihui founded the "Guangqi Program Services" and purchased the second-hand animation equipment from the United States, which opened the first step of Taiwan’s animation history. At that time, he produced "A Letter from Uncle", "Tortoise and Hare Race" and other animation productions. In the 1970s, the Japanese animation industry rose, and a large amount of demand for animation production rushed to Taiwan, which made Taiwan as the kingdom of animation sub-contracting production. Then in the 1980s, the original animation productions such as "Old Master Q" and "Oolongyuan" were produced, but the market achievements were not ideal. At the same time, Taiwan has become an important role for global animation sub-contracting production. Wang Film Studio has even producing Disney TV series production work. It appear the high standard of Taiwan's animation and special effects technology can be approached.
Even with advanced skill on the professional area, Taiwan original animation are still in poorly returned at the domestic box office. With the only one exception of "Magic Grandma", most of the others are not popular, not even considering to sell to the global market. Therefore, the Taiwan Animation & Special Effects Association (AVA) will carry the important task of connecting the international market, cultivating storytelling talents, letting the animation and VFX professions produce the world-class quality animation works and taking a main role in the global animation business.
Promote the development of Taiwan original animation and special effects industry connecting chain
Taiwan animation began in the 1950s. After acquired the guidance of animation skills from America and Japan, a large number of animation OEMs began in the 1970s. it has made the great progress in quality and workload. Until today, most of Taiwan animation studios still rely on OEM work as the main business in animation film, TV and platform.
However, the OEM base of animation & special effects production has begun to shift out of Taiwan due to the key factors of OEM; lower labor cost, efficiency, and quality. In the era of the popularization of the Internet, animation production and skill learning are no longer as difficult as it used to. Southeast Asia, China, South Korea and India have established many animation OEM studios to seize Taiwan OEM market with a low-cost strategy. Under the fierce international competition and low added value OEM animation work, Taiwan animation and VFX business is facing a crisis of survival.
Therefore, the establishment of the Animation & Special Effects Association (AVA) aims to integrate domestic upstream, midstream, and downstream profession resources; developing Taiwan original animation. AVA would like to establish a successful business model for original Taiwan animation, and provide more opportunities of good stories transform into animation. , We would like to see the a new peak in Taiwan original animation & VFX.
Dialogue with the government and international organizations on behalf of Taiwan animation & special effects industry and strive for the benefit for our members
After year 2020, the global animation production value has been increasing since. There were 28 animation films released in the United States in 2011, and the total box office accounted for 28.5% of the all movies box office revenue which is quite amazing.
In addition, the Korean animation & special effects industry emerged in the 1970’s and also originated from OEM. However, the Korean government proposed tax relief for the animation industry and strongly promoted original animation in 1994, it’s making Korean’s animation business prosperous. The Korean government was established the Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) which provides consistent spport for the animation & special effects industry in 2001, and even regulated that 45% of the animation programs should be original animation production broadcasted in the domestic TV stations.
Therefore, the Animation & Special Effects Association (AVA) was established to contribute to the development of Taiwan animation industry. The first priority is to build a good and efficient communication channel with the government and getting more practical support, such as the origin animation broadcasting ratios, the subsidies scope, tax relief, etc. AVA would like to agglomerate the consensus of the animation studios in Taiwan, strive for more creative resources, and produce higher-quality local original animation for Taiwan's film and television culture contents.
Consolidate the spirit of co-prosperity and mutual support in Taiwan's animation & special effects industry
In recent years, the global animation industry has gone through the merger of Pixar, Marvel, and Lucas film into the Disney Group. After DreamWork merged into Comcast Media Group, it has shown a more concentrated trend. The massive global animation group has more resources and cultural discourse power. In the other hand, the operating conditions of small and medium-sized animation studios in the world are getting more and more severe, and their chance to express the local stories is also threatened by the global transnational capital.
The establishment of an independent unit that integrates the power and resources of Taiwan’s animation and special effects studios, and integrates the upstream, midstream, and downstream industry chains is a top priority. The establishment of the Animation & Special Effects Association (AVA) is expected to achieve the result of one plus one is greater than two. And we hope Taiwan animation and VFX would take a pivotal position in the global animation & special effects market.